Source code for

Class for accessing response function data from each channel.

import collections
from urllib.parse import urljoin

import numpy as np

import astropy.constants as const
import astropy.units as u

from import read_genx
from sunpy.util.metadata import MetaDict

from aiapy import _SSW_MIRRORS
from aiapy.calibrate import degradation
from aiapy.calibrate.util import _select_epoch_from_correction_table
from import manager
from aiapy.util import telescope_number
from aiapy.util.decorators import validate_channel

__all__ = ["Channel"]

# TODO: Work out what changes with version.
AIA_INSTRUMENT_FILE = "sdo/aia/response/aia_V{}_{}_fullinst.genx"
VERSION_NUMBER = 8  # Most recent version number for instrument response data
# URLs and SHA-256 hashes for each version for the EUV and FUV files
    8: {
        "fuv": (
            [urljoin(mirror, AIA_INSTRUMENT_FILE.format(VERSION_NUMBER, "fuv")) for mirror in _SSW_MIRRORS],
        "euv": (
            [urljoin(mirror, AIA_INSTRUMENT_FILE.format(VERSION_NUMBER, "all")) for mirror in _SSW_MIRRORS],

[docs] class Channel: """ Interface to AIA channel properties and response functions. This class provides an interface to the AIA channels and methods for calculating the effective area and wavelength response functions as a function of wavelength. Parameters ---------- channel : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Wavelength of AIA channel. instrument_file : `str`, optional Path to AIA instrument file. If not specified, the latest version will be downloaded from SolarSoft. Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from aiapy.response import Channel >>> c = Channel(171 * u.angstrom) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> c.telescope_number # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA 3 >>> # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA '171' >>> # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA <Quantity 171. Angstrom> """ @u.quantity_input @validate_channel("channel") def __init__(self, channel: u.angstrom, *, instrument_file=None) -> None: self._channel = channel self._instrument_data = self._get_instrument_data(instrument_file) @property def is_fuv(self): """ Returns True for UV and visible channels 1600, 1700, 4500 Å. """ return in [1600, 1700, 4500] * u.angstrom def _get_instrument_data(self, instrument_file): """ Read the raw instrument data for all channels from the ``.genx`` files in SSW. """ if isinstance(instrument_file, collections.OrderedDict): return instrument_file if instrument_file is None: instrument_file = self._get_fuv_instrument_file() if self.is_fuv else self._get_euv_instrument_file() return read_genx(instrument_file) @manager.require("instrument_file_euv", *URL_HASH[VERSION_NUMBER]["euv"]) def _get_euv_instrument_file(self): return manager.get("instrument_file_euv") @manager.require("instrument_file_fuv", *URL_HASH[VERSION_NUMBER]["fuv"]) def _get_fuv_instrument_file(self): return manager.get("instrument_file_fuv") @property def _data( self, ): """ Instrument data for this channel. """ return MetaDict(self._instrument_data[f"A{}_FULL"]) @property @u.quantity_input def channel( self, ) -> u.angstrom: """ Nominal wavelength at which the bandpass of the channel is centered. """ return self._channel @property def name( self, ) -> str: return f"{}" @property def telescope_number( self, ): """ Label denoting the telescope to which the given channel is assigned. See `crosstalk` for context of why this is important. """ return telescope_number( @property @u.quantity_input def wavelength( self, ) -> u.angstrom: """ Array of wavelengths over which channel properties are calculated. """ return u.Quantity(self._data["wave"], u.angstrom) @property @u.quantity_input def primary_reflectance( self, ) -> u.dimensionless_unscaled: return u.Quantity(self._data["primary"]) @property @u.quantity_input def secondary_reflectance( self, ) -> u.dimensionless_unscaled: return u.Quantity(self._data["secondary"]) @property @u.quantity_input def focal_plane_filter_efficiency( self, ) -> u.dimensionless_unscaled: return u.Quantity(self._data["fp_filter"]) @property @u.quantity_input def entrance_filter_efficiency( self, ) -> u.dimensionless_unscaled: return u.Quantity(self._data["ent_filter"]) @property @u.quantity_input def geometrical_collecting_area( self, ) ->**2: return u.Quantity(self._data["geoarea"],**2) @property @u.quantity_input def quantum_efficiency( self, ) -> u.dimensionless_unscaled: return u.Quantity(self._data["ccd"]) @property @u.quantity_input def contamination( self, ) -> u.dimensionless_unscaled: # Contamination missing for FUV channels if "contam" in self._data: return u.Quantity(self._data["contam"]) return u.Quantity([1]) @property @u.quantity_input def plate_scale( self, ) -> u.steradian / u.pixel: return u.Quantity(self._data["platescale"], u.steradian / u.pixel) @property @u.quantity_input def effective_area( self, ) ->**2: r""" Uncorrected effective area as a function of wavelength. According to Section 2 of [boerner]_, the effective area is given by, .. math:: A_{eff}(\lambda) = A_{geo}R_P(\lambda)R_S(\lambda)T_E(\lambda)T_F(\lambda)D(\lambda)Q(\lambda), where, - :math:`A_{geo}`: geometrical collecting area - :math:`R_P`, :math:`R_S`: reflectances of primary and secondary mirrors, respectively - :math:`T_E`, :math:`T_F`: transmission efficiency of the entrance and focal-plane filters, respectively - :math:`D`: contaminant transmittance of optics - :math:`Q`: quantum efficiency of the CCD The effective area contains information about the efficiency of the telescope optics and its sensitivity as a function of wavelength. All of the telescope properties are read from the AIA instrument files available in SolarSoft. References ---------- .. [boerner] Boerner et al., 2012, Sol. Phys., `275, 41 <>`__ """ return ( self.primary_reflectance * self.secondary_reflectance * self.focal_plane_filter_efficiency * self.entrance_filter_efficiency * self.geometrical_collecting_area * self.quantum_efficiency * self.contamination ) @property @u.quantity_input def crosstalk( self, ) ->**2: """ Contamination of effective area from crosstalk between channels. On telescopes 1, 3, and 4, both channels are always illuminated. This can lead to contamination in a channel from the channel with which it shares a telescope. This impacts the 94 and 304 Å channels as well as 131 and 335 Å. See Section 2.2.1 of [1]_ for more details. References ---------- .. [1] Boerner et al., 2012, Sol. Phys., `275, 41 <>`__ """ crosstalk_lookup = { 94 * u.angstrom: 304 * u.angstrom, 304 * u.angstrom: 94 * u.angstrom, 131 * u.angstrom: 335 * u.angstrom, 335 * u.angstrom: 131 * u.angstrom, } if in crosstalk_lookup: cross = Channel(crosstalk_lookup[], instrument_file=self._instrument_data) return ( cross.primary_reflectance * cross.secondary_reflectance * self.focal_plane_filter_efficiency * cross.entrance_filter_efficiency * cross.geometrical_collecting_area * cross.quantum_efficiency * cross.contamination ) return u.Quantity(np.zeros(self.wavelength.shape),**2)
[docs] @u.quantity_input def eve_correction(self, obstime, correction_table) -> u.dimensionless_unscaled: r""" Correct effective area to give good agreement with full-disk EVE data. The EVE correction factor is given by, .. math:: \frac{A_{eff}(\lambda_n,t_0)}{A_{eff}(\lambda_E,t_e)} where :math:`A_{eff}(\lambda_n,t_0)` is the effective area at the nominal wavelength of the channel (:math:`\lambda_n`) at the first calibration epoch and :math:`A_{eff}(\lambda_E,t_e)` is the effective area at the ```obstime``` calibration epoch interpolated to the effective wavelength (:math:`\lambda_E`). .. note:: This function is adapted directly from the ` <>`__ routine in SolarSoft. Parameters ---------- obstime : `~astropy.time.Time` The time of the observation. correction_table : `astropy.table.QTable` Table of correction parameters. See `aiapy.calibrate.util.get_correction_table` for more information. Returns ------- `~astropy.units.Quantity` See Also -------- aiapy.calibrate.util.get_correction_table """ table = _select_epoch_from_correction_table(, obstime, correction_table=correction_table, ) effective_area_interp = np.interp(table["EFF_WVLN"][-1], self.wavelength, self.effective_area) return table["EFF_AREA"][0] / effective_area_interp
@property @u.quantity_input def gain( self, ) -> u.DN / r""" Gain of the CCD camera system. According to Section 2 of [boerner1]_, the gain of the CCD-camera system, in DN per photon, is given by, .. math:: G(\lambda) = \frac{hc}{\lambda}\frac{g}{a} where :math:`g` is the camera gain in DN per electron and :math:`\approx 3.65` eV per electron is a conversion factor. References ---------- .. [boerner1] Boerner et al., 2012, Sol. Phys., `275, 41 <>`__ """ _e = u.electron # Avoid rewriting u.electron a lot electron_per_ev = self._data["elecperev"] * _e / u.eV energy_per_photon = const.h * const.c / self.wavelength / electron_per_photon = (electron_per_ev * energy_per_photon).to(_e / return electron_per_photon / (self._data["elecperdn"] * _e / u.DN)
[docs] @u.quantity_input def wavelength_response( self, *, obstime=None, include_eve_correction=False, include_crosstalk=True, correction_table, ) -> u.DN / ***2: r""" The wavelength response function is the product of the gain and the effective area. The wavelength response as a function of time and wavelength is given by, .. math:: R(\lambda,t) = (A_{eff}(\lambda) + A_{cross}(\lambda))G(\lambda)C_T(t)C_E(t) where, - :math:`A_{eff}(\lambda)` is the effective area as a function of wavelength - :math:`A_{cross}(\lambda)` is the effective area of the crosstalk channel - :math:`G(\lambda)` is the gain of the telescope - :math:`C_T(t)` is the time-dependent correction factor for the instrument degradation - :math:`C_E(t)` is the time-dependent EVE correction factor Parameters ---------- obstime : `~astropy.time.Time`, optional If specified, a time-dependent correction is applied to account for degradation. include_eve_correction : `bool`, optional If true and ``obstime`` is not `None`, include correction to EVE calibration. The time-dependent correction is also included. include_crosstalk : `bool`, optional If true, include the effect of crosstalk between channels that share a telescope correction_table : `~astropy.table.Table` Table of correction parameters. See `aiapy.calibrate.util.get_correction_table` for more information. Returns ------- `~astropy.units.Quantity` See Also -------- effective_area gain crosstalk eve_correction aiapy.calibrate.degradation """ eve_correction, time_correction = 1, 1 if obstime is not None: time_correction = degradation(, obstime, correction_table=correction_table) if include_eve_correction: eve_correction = self.eve_correction(obstime, correction_table=correction_table) crosstalk = self.crosstalk if include_crosstalk else 0 ***2 return (self.effective_area + crosstalk) * self.gain * time_correction * eve_correction